Revolutionary APC technology gives physicians a highly effective tool for clearing moderate inflammatory acne without side effects, patient discomfort, photosensitivity or downtime.
The procedure is noninvasive and pain free, with full-face treatments taking only 15 minutes. Patients simply lie on a comfortable bed while the light is applied to the affected area; they can even listen to music while being treated. Once the treatment session is over, patients can return to their daily routine. This means no downtime or inconvenience, especially important factors for active teens and young adults.
A multi-center clinical study examined the effects of ClearLight treatments on more than 120 patients at six centers. The study utilized a high-intensity, 400 watt, enhanced (407-420 nm) metal halide lamp to deliver light to the acne-affected locations.
After eight bi-weekly treatments, 80% of the patients with mild to moderate papulo-pustular acne showed significant improvement of non-inflammatory, inflammatory and total facial lesions. Inflammatory lesion count decreased by a mean of more than 60%. Two weeks after the last treatment, the lesion count decreased by nearly 70%. No side effects of the treatment were observed.